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Why isn’t pre-painted Aluzinc/Galvalume recommended for gardening?Updated a year ago

No domestic steel manufacturer recommends or warranties pre-painted Aluzinc/Galvalume in applications that involve direct contact with soil.

Most pre-painted Aluzinc gardening products are manufactured overseas and often contain additives, like hexavalentchromium, to stabilize the paint and improve adherence. These types of additives can be carcinogenic and harmful to our environment and well being.

Advertising may create the impression that certain paints have been USDA approved but did you know that USDA only provides approval for incidental food contact not continuous use as a growing medium? No studies have ever shown that pre-painted Aluzinc will not leech into your soil and plants.

Why take a chance on a gardening product that could harm you and your plants? 

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